Are You Comfortable in The Dark?
Luke 8:35
Then they went out to see what was done; and came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the devils were departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind: and THEY WERE AFRAID.
Luke 8:37
Then they whole multitude of the country of the Gadarenes round about besought him (Jesus) to depart from them; for they were taken with great fear…
When I read those two verses earlier today I was surprised at what I saw. The people were so nervous about what Jesus was doing in their town that they actually were driven to ask Him to leave them alone.
What was Jesus doing that caused this fear or nervousness? He was changing things that they had become too familiar or comfortable with. He was making a difference for the better of their society and culture. Their fear came after Jesus had delivered the man called Legion from all of his demons. This man was found following his deliverance clothed, listening to Christ, and able to think for himself. They should have rejoiced with him, but they were afraid and wanted no part of what was happening. I had to ask myself why this was so. The only logical answer is they had become too comfortable with darkness.
It is crazy to think that could be the case, but it was. They had seen the man in the tombs, acting crazy, howling in the night, and unable to be tamed. And they were comfortable with that. Actually, they probably used his situation to justify why theirs was not so bad. They were running an industry that was unclean (the swine) according to Levitical Law. That had not driven them to demonic possession, so their darkness wasn’t as bad as Legion’s! I wonder if that is what they thought.
As soon as the LIGHT came into their coasts they were confronted with their sin. This caused them to fear, to get uncomfortable, and ultimately to reject the One Who could save and heal them. It is easy to get comfortable in the dark. We can hide – or so we think – from the conviction and condemnation that gnaws at us in the Light. That conviction, though it feels negative and is uncomfortable, is one of the most positive things you or I can experience. It is what helps us draw closer to the Light, the Savior!
Don’t allow yourself to get comfortable in the dark! I have seen young people your age stop coming to youth or hanging out with the youth group because they wanted to stay in the dark. Don’t let that be you! I remember having a counsel session with a young person who had made a decision to stay away from church activities for a while. My counsel to their parent was to not allow that to happen! They were too embarrassed to come back after what had happened, but I knew the church and the youth group was where they belonged. I didn’t want them to get comfortable in the dark.
Here are some things you can do during our quarantine that can help you stay in the light: read your Bible, talk with your friends about spiritual things, listen to worship music, read these devotions, facetime your youth pastors, pray, talk with your family about spiritual things, watch some sermons on youtube, etc.
Katy and I are praying for you. We hope to meet together soon. If you need anything get in touch with us! We love you guys!